Visual Arts and Media
Whether it be at College events and annual exhibitions or through competitions and our Art Extension Program, the focus is on giving our girls real world experience and pushing the boundaries of their creativity. Offering a broad range of practical experiences, participating in creative co-curriculars such as Visual Arts and Media over time helps our students develop a personal voice by discovering what they enjoy doing and developing creative and critical thinking habits that open doors to success.
Some of our offerings include:
- Extended incursions and workshops with professional artists and designers
- Training and skill development through external providers
- Excursions to universities to participate in workshops
- Excursions to perspective shows
- Excursions to the Art Gallery of WA
- Visiting film viewings and discussions
- Participation in art competitions
- Pottery Club
- Collaboration with other schools in Art events
- Internal showcases such as CREATED Exhibition and Year 12 Exhibition