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Leaving a bequest is a powerful and lasting way to contribute to the future of Methodist Ladies’ College. If you have appreciated the benefits of an MLC education and would like to support the College in a special way, you can make a meaningful contribution by leaving a charitable bequest. Bequests are gifts made as part of your Will or Trust and are the most effective way of ensuring an enduring MLC education for future generations of girls.

Why Leave an Education Bequest?

It is the sheer generosity of previous generations of MLC Collegians, their families and teachers that help our current and future students enjoy an exceptional MLC education. After providing for your family and loved ones, you can help give the same opportunities you had by leaving a gift in your Will to the College. Some of the benefits of making a bequest to MLC include: 

  • Your lasting legacy to MLC is the support to its future.
  • You are supporting MLC whilst remaining in control of your assets in your lifetime. 
  • You can change your bequest if your circumstances alter. 
  • You can direct your bequest to support MLC in a way that is meaningful to you.  
  • We can acknowledge your intention to make a bequest in your lifetime.

The Impact of a Bequest

MLC has been the fortunate beneficiary of several bequests over its history, from past students, teachers and parents: 

Gertrude Walton (Principal from 1914-1945), whose vision for the school was built on the foundations laid by Maud Connell, left a bequest facilitating the building of a much-needed library. 

A bequest made by the family of Vera Ohman established a means tested music scholarship that has allowed generations of talented young musicians the benefit of an MLC education. 

In 1997, the College received a bequest made by Mrs Sarah Potter to “provide bursaries to assist worthy scholars of the College whose parents are struggling to maintain their children at the College”. This bequest continues to provide support for families at the school. 

The Connell Society

Anyone who notifies the College of their intention to leave a bequest becomes a member of the Connell Society. The society is named in recognition of Maud Connell, MLC Principal from 1907- 1913. When you choose to leave a bequest through the MLC Foundation, we can ensure that it is used in a way that best suits your wishes.  

How to Make a Bequest

Every gift is unique to the donor. An education bequest can take many different forms: 

  1. The residue of your estate – The remainder of your estate after specific gifts have been disbursed. 
  2. A percentage – A percentage of either the residue of your estate or a percentage of your entire estate. 
  3. A pecuniary gift – A specific gift or cash. 
  4. An asset – Real estate, shares, bonds or other articles of value. 
  5. An alternative or conditional bequest – In the unlikely event that your beneficiaries do not survive you, you may wish to leave your estate to MLC. 

Making a bequest through the MLC Foundation is simple. You can include a bequest when you write your Will or add a codicil to your existing Will later. In either case, the Foundation recommends that you seek your own legal advice and inform your family of your wishes. 

We would love to know if you have included MLC in your Will so we can discuss any specific wishes you may have and ensure your gift is used in the way that you intend. However, if you decide not to tell us, we also understand. Please know that we will always respect your privacy and any information you give us regarding your Will shall be help in strict confidence and not publicly disclosed during your lifetime without your expressed permission.  

Your Legacy, Their Future

Gifts in your Will are vitally important and therefore we encourage you to make a bequest to the College. If you would like to discuss the possibility of leaving a future gift to the College, we warmly encourage you to speak to our team. We also suggest donors seek independent legal advice from their solicitor when planning a bequest. 
