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Pre-Primary School in Perth

Pre-Primary is an exciting time for both our girls and their parents. As the first compulsory year of schooling in Western Australia, the Australian curriculum is introduced for the first time. The foundations of Mathematics, English, Science and History are taught in a fun and vibrant environment.

Learning at our Pre-Primary School

Our smaller classes ensure our specialist early learning teachers and teacher’s assistants can focus on our girls’ wellbeing and individual learning needs. An Inclusive Learning specialist is also on hand to work with our girls on their core academic subjects.

Chinese language classes are part of our curriculum and are taught alongside Music, Dance, Art, Religious Studies and Physical Education. Weekly visits are made from the Pre-Primary rooms to the Lorna Dickson Library within our school, where our girls discover how to find and borrow books.

Students develop relationships with each other and the wider community in this year. Each fortnight our girls meet up with Pre-Primary boys from our neighbouring Christ Church Grammar School for fun play time. Each Pre-Primary student is also given an older buddy attending our school, who makes regular visits and nurture our girls in the classroom and playground.

We also encourage our Pre-Primary parents to become involved members of our school community by sharing their time with our girls, both at school and home.

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