Years 8 & 9
Years 8 and 9 are the consolidation years. Our Head of Year teacher embarks on the journey with your daughter from Years 7 to 12, ensuring strong bonds are formed and she is always seen and heard. Our Pastoral Care team, comprised of a Head of Year, Head of House, Mentor, Wellbeing Coordinator and psychologist, are all important resources for our girls during this time. Our dedicated Health Centre is also available to all students.
Stages Not Ages

In preparing your daughters for success and happiness in the world beyond our College gates, we teach using the Differentiation Framework, providing opportunities for girls to work in stages not ages. Our staff all have a deep understanding of the curriculum and develop tiered tasks catering to each individual student, allowing her to shine. Compacted curriculum with year advanced learning is part of this framework. Differentiation allows us to support the girls to determine their passions and identify their future goals.
Leadership Starts Now
Extensive leadership opportunities are also available during this time. We encourage girls to challenge themselves and try something new. For example, House Leaders are selected from our Year 9 cohort. As well as being fun, this experience fosters the girls’ confidence and provides them with the unique opportunity to engage and collaborate with leaders in other year groups.