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Brendon Pearn



I’m a classroom Music teacher, I teach Cello, direct a number of our College ensembles and am currently the Head of Year. What I enjoy the most about my role is seeing our girls achieve such a wide variety of accomplishments. Whether it be overcoming a learning concept or challenge in class; or in many of the endeavours they engage with in their world. From a Music perspective, our students have one of the most unique opportunities in the state to make music in impacting ways. From our String and Band Programmes to the vast array of World Music and contemporary music opportunities, all within a classroom setting, our girls are able to make music in such meaningful ways. The experiences they are able to engage with are critical to a young person’s development of identity, culture and well-being.

Many of my favourite moments come from working with our students within the Music Department. Having been involved with many of them from as young as Year 3, to see them now as senior students and think back over their achievements; back to where they began, before they step onto stage at events like Concerto Night, is a real buzz. Such great examples of what persistence and practise can achieve over time.

What lead me into teaching initially was quite accidental. I had been working as a musician, and to help a friend out, I took on some of his students. I really enjoyed the experience, and this started a journey that has been nonstop ever since. It was the reward of being a part of a student’s journey as they have that ‘a-ha’ moment of achievement or gain an understanding that has always been the driver for me.




20 April 2016
