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Growing Future-Ready Students

At MLC, we are constantly evolving how we can better prepare our girls for the modern world. This starts by providing a holistic, diverse education that allows them to take ownership of their learning. By collaboratively partnering with academic experts and international trailblazers, MLC are committed to exploring new measures of success in education and equipping our students with the tools to succeed at every stage of their schooling.

MLC Becomes a New Metrics School

To help our students become more motivated learners and enable our staff to nurture well-rounded individuals at every stage, MLC have joined forces with one of Australia’s leading universities, The University of Melbourne, on a groundbreaking venture called Melbourne Metrics. This is a research-practice partnership between innovative schools in Australia and the university, with MLC as a first mover in this space alongside three other Western Australian schools. 

Future-Ready Skills in Action

Melbourne Metrics provides the opportunity for MLC staff to exclusively access research driven and developed tools for the measurement of student growth in what educators are calling ‘complex competencies’. Complex competencies are the personal attributes and skills that students demonstrate when they solve problems, apply knowledge and relate well to others.

The complex competencies identified by Melbourne Metrics are:  

  1. Active Citizenship: Contributing to the wellbeing of a community. 
  2. Acting Ethically: Acting in a way that is guided by moral principles (what we ought to do) in any situation. 
  3. Agency in Learning: Knowing what to learn, how to learn it and who to learn it from.  
  4. Collaboration: Working with others to achieve a common goal. 
  5. Communication: The ability to transmit, receive and interpret information, ideas, arguments, feelings and beliefs to support the purposes of the individual or group. 
  6. Personal Attributes: Managing who you are. 
  7. Quality Thinking: Thinking things through to achieve better outcomes for yourself or others in your group. 

The aim of the program is to incorporate these complex competencies into our curriculum so our students can develop agency in learning. Developing agency allows them to understand how to be motivated and act for a purpose that is meaningful to them or relevant to their community; skills we have found are becoming increasingly valuable once our girls leave school.

Benefits of Complex Competencies

For StudentsFor Teachers
Taught alongside other subject-related knowledge and skill building to create more well-rounded learners. Access to world-class resources to guide them to design learning programs that support our students.
Helps them navigate the modern world with confidence by teaching transferable skills they can use in real life.Implementation of cutting-edge assessment and reporting tools to measure the development of complex competencies and enhance student learning and accreditations.
Provides them with a wider variety of courses, disciplines, industry partnerships and vocational pathways. The opportunity to connect with national and international networks of likeminded leaders.
Prepares them for training and studying beyond secondary school.  

A New Vision for Learning

In today’s complex and ever-changing world, it is increasingly important to ensure our young people possess the skills, attributes and values needed to thrive at school and beyond. Therefore, education must be more than the learning of information; it is about what one does with this information learned that truly affects change. 

Traditional assessment and recognition methods alone define education success too narrowly and are therefore no longer fit for purpose. At MLC, we have a broader vision for learning; a vision that is focused on student strengths and preparing them for life beyond our school gates so that they are future-ready for a society that requires their lasting impact. 

Using Melbourne Metrics, our learning and teaching is guided on what students can do beyond their usual subjects to improve education outcomes by providing increased opportunities to be accredited for higher education or career pathways. We want them to learn with us and are excited to see what they can achieve when presented with amazing opportunities to extend themselves.

Find Out More

MLC is committed to investing in our educators and supporting our students develop agency and autonomy in learning, fostering them to know what to learn, how to learn it and who to learn it from. For more information on how your daughter will benefit from this innovative program in which MLC are leading the way, please contact the Director of Learning and Teaching Excellence, Dr Penelope Russell.