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MLC's Vision for Learning

In today’s rapidly changing world, it is crucial for young people to develop the skills, values and attributes necessary to thrive in school and life. Education should go beyond information acquisition, focusing on how students apply what they learn to create meaningful change. Traditional assessment methods no longer capture the full scope of success and therefore must evolve. 

At MLC, we take a broad approach to learning, emphasising student strengths and preparing them for a future where they can make a lasting impact. We provide a diverse, holistic education that empowers them to take ownership of their learning. By partnering with academic experts and global innovators, we are committed to exploring new ways of measuring success and ensuring our girls are ready for every challenge. 

Growing Future-Ready Students

At the heart of our approach is a commitment to building a strong, thriving community where collaboration, ownership and quality thinking are valued. Our learning framework serves as a guiding compass that ensures clarity, purpose and meaningful outcomes at every step. Focusing on preparing them for post-school success, it promotes not just academic excellence in our girls but personal wellbeing and growth. 

We achieve this by looking at learning as more than the transfer of knowledge to long-term memory and exam results, important as these are. Rather, we see it as knowing what, knowing how and knowing when (Prof Bill Lucas). Partnering with The University of Melbourne on their innovative Melbourne Metrics project, we have shifted our focus to what our students can do beyond their usual subjects. As one of only a handful of forward-thinking WA schools involved in the research-practice partnership, our learning community have exclusive access to academic experts and resources that are reshaping the future of education in Australia. 

As a result of our reshaped thinking, there are three main elements that provide direction to help our students, teachers, leaders and families align their practices. Combined, these elements focus on collaborative inquiry and continuous improvement to ensure MLC’s learning experiences have the right complexity and depth. 

Inspire Her – A Journey to Thrive

MLC is committed to investing in our educators and supporting our students to know what to learn, how to learn it and who to learn it from. To learn more about our Vision for Learning, we invite you to book a Principal’s Tour to hear directly from Rebecca Clarke and members of our team.