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Student Leadership

When we ask our girls what leadership at the College looks like to them, the resounding response is empowerment. We do not take a one-size-fits-all approach to our student leadership structure and recognise that everyone will have a different experience. Leadership takes all shapes and forms; you do not need a badge or title to lead. Our girls are encouraged to accept every challenge, embrace every opportunity and if invited to lead formally at school, to make the position their own. Leadership takes courageous and bold action and provides girls with the chance to get out of their comfort zone and push the boundaries of what they thought they were capable of.

Student Leadership in School

Being able to imagine, motivate and lead change is one of the most valuable attributes in business and life beyond our College. During their time at MLC, each girl is presented with the opportunity to explore student leadership in school. This offers them a chance to work together and lift each other up. Among other benefits, leadership 

  • Builds their confidence 
  • Encourages teamwork 
  • Builds their capacity to make a positive contribution to their community 
  • Prepares them for the ‘real world’ 
  • Enhances employability skills for the future 

“Methodist Ladies’ College has inspired me to lead with a passion for empowerment and to hold great pride in being myself. It has taught me the strength of femineity, which results from the cooperation of young women and has proven a powerful message; we can truly rise by lifting others.” – Annie Gilchrist, 2022 Head Prefect 

Collaboration at the Forefront

The best part about student leadership at MLC is the opportunity for students of all ages to collaborate. Younger student leaders get to work with older student leaders, helping build their confidence and teamwork skills. 

Collaboration is a key focus in our student leadership program because every girl brings something different to the table. Each has their own unique skillset and through open communication, our students bring the best out of one another. 

Student Leadership Program

The development of lifelong leadership skills starts early and is nurtured during your daughter’s entire journey at the College. We foster and promote leadership opportunities for all our students from Years 5 to 12. Some of these include: 

Leadership in the Junior YearsLeadership in the Senior Years
Student Representative CouncilSports Teams Captains & Coaches
Sustainability CommitteeMusic Ensemble Leaders
Mentor-Mentee RepresentativesSustainability Committee
College & House AssembliesCollege Prefecture
 Student Representative Council

Student Leadership in Action

Give Leadership a Go

Your experience is what you make it. We encourage every MLC girl to give student leadership in school a chance. Listen to our Girls on Fire Podcast to hear from some of our previous student leaders. Simply click the link below and filter to ‘Podcast’.