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Tomorrow’s Leaders are Made Today

Shaping the leaders of tomorrow is a responsibility we do not take lightly. To ensure all of our students are ready for their purposeful futures after they leave the College, we have implemented highly tailored leadership programs specifically designed to equip them with the transferable skills needed to lead successfully. One of these unique programs is the Walton Leadership Institute (WLI). Like its namesake – MLC visionary and long-serving Principal, Gertrude Walton – WLI enables girls to imagine, motivate and lead change.

Benefits of the WLI

With the Colleges Values of Integrity, Mastery, Enterprise and Justice embedded into its curriculum, the WLI is an optional online leadership course where students work their way through seven modules using STILE lessons. Available to students from Years 5 to 12, it is split into three programs across Years 5-6, Years 7-9 and Years 10-12. 


The skills learnt working through the seven modules benefit them in their pursuit of exemplary leadership as they:


Allow them to learn new skills and strategies for leadership.
Help them uncover the skills that they already possess.
Provide them additional opportunities for responsibility and extension.
Equip them to make positive contributions to their communities.
Enhance their preparation for their future endeavours.

How Does it Work?

Focusing on the development of character strengths, understandings and skills, the course allows our students to become effective leaders. By asking them to engage, question, reflect, practice and take action, our girls are able to develop their leadership qualities from end to end. 

Engage: In the online lessons, students are shown the relevant prompts that demonstrate the attribute in action. 

Questions: Students then work through their ideas regarding the skill they are learning. 

Reflect: After the online lesson, the students then reflect on how they could incorporate the skill. 

Practice: Students then complete a task to practice the skill. They also have a chance to practice their leadership skills through our extensive co-curricular program. 

Take Action: Students then have the option to work an individualised Change-Maker Project to make a positive difference in the community. 

The Seven Modules

The course is self-paced and student directed. All modules are flexible and puts the students in charge of how their tasks looks.  

Communication: We know that words are powerful. 

Influencing Others: A true leader encourages others to be better. 

Exercising Judgement: Leading by example is essential as an effective leader. 

Negotiating: Looking at different points of view and ideas makes your own stronger. 

Enterprise: Always have a goal in mind and be open to alternative ways to get there. 

Service: An excellent leader lives by a people-first mindset and seeks ways to be purposeful. 

Global Citizenship: A true leader is aware of the wider world and respects and values diversity. 

Throughout the program, the students keep a record of their leadership opportunities and reflect on their learnings. Once the student completes all seven modules, they are acknowledged with a Leadership accreditation.  

Find Out More

At Methodist Ladies’ College, we are building leaders of the future. To find out more about the student leadership opportunities at MLC, please submit an enquiry.